Saturday, February 25, 2012

91/90 days till Fanime!

Well, managed to complete my articuno scoodie, and just about done with a commission for someone on elftown. I have planned to finish another commission tomorrow, and start on a skylanders plushie!

Also looking around at different cons around november. I don't think I'll get into the florida long beach comic-con one :\

Thursday, February 23, 2012

92 days till Fanime!

So, not much done today. Went and bought more fabric (some half off patterns, blue, yellow, orange and red) and decided to get more thread. For some reason my sewing machine is acting up again. Hopefully it will be all better tomorrow after sitting clean and newly oiled overnight.

Working on an Articuno scoodie, about 2/3's done. It's looking really great, but, it's taking me foreeeever to finish.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

93 days till Fanime!

Goal: 3 sluggies (or equal plushies) a day

Slugs: 2
Fancy Sluggies: 3
Sluggies: 0
Cuttlefish: 1
Stingrays: 0
Pokemon: 0
Scarves: 0

I cut out another slug for tomorrow, and I have 9 stingrays and a squid cut out as well.