Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Long time no see!!!

HI guys! Not sure how many people read this, but it has certainly been a loooong time since I have posted anything. I've been both busy and laxxing when it comes to sewing... but I only have 8 days left before BLFC in reno! AND to top it off this next month I got into Fanime at the last minute. Here are some pics of my most recent finished projects :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Well it's been a while.

16 days till comic-con. My next convention that I'll be selling at is in august. Rocky Mountain Furcon and PAX prime. Moving a long with other projects and things, plus commissions.

my latest plushie! I'm so proud of it.

After I finish two commissions I'll post again. Bye!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sac Con is in two days!

Long time no post. Carpal tunnel has been a jerk to me. I'm way behind on the amount of plushies I wanted to make for both Sac Con and Am2Con... but in other good news I got a full time job! It's kept me busy and tired... another thing keeping me from going SPP full time.

I finally find something I want to do, and of course my body denies me.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Carpal Tunnel (34 days till am2con)

Well. It's official.

I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I'll just copy what that means so I can type less:

Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the median nerve -- the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. It can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in people who perform repetitive motions of the hand and wrist. Typing on a computer keyboard is probably the most common cause of carpal tunnel. Other causes include:

    Assembly line work

That number one cause on the list after typing is sewing...As a lot of you know, I do a lot of. Well, 'did' a lot of. It has really put the breaks on my dream of doing plushies full time so I can leave my day job. I can't afford surgery, but thankfully it isn't to that point yet as long as I wear braces on both my wrists and ice/medicate/rest for a while. Which is why I really need some help because to stop this progressive issue my doctor told me to cut what I did when my hands started hurting and at most do 1/4 or less of that work. He really insisted that I stop, but he understood I was passionate about trying to make my own way out into the world.

He wants me to go to physical therapy. I don't have the money for it even if I agreed, which would cause my hands stress because it is a 20 minute drive on a very bendy highway. Including gas it would be about 25$ every week. That's money I don't have.

What I'm asking for help is for my watchers to either commission me, or buy a plushie from my store. I'm willing to give you guys 2-5$ off the listed prices, depending on the plushie.

Please help here:

I appreciate any help anyone can give me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

44 days till Am2Con!

Well it's been a very unproductive couple of days for me. I got pretty sick at work... Was really pale and weak and ended up going home early. Hopefully I'll get back on the ball in the next few days. I ordered a new pair of scissors! They are electric! This should help with the pain in my hands and wrists I've been dealing with over the last few weeks. Anyways....

get back to you in a few days!

Monday, April 16, 2012

52 days till AM2Con!

Well I figure I'm not getting to go to Fanime, which is fine, actually. My day job has really been keeping me busy. But HEY, 52 days till AM2Con! Which I'm totally still excited for. I've set a goal of 2 plushies a day, so hopefully I will have a good number of slugs and other plushies for inventory! I won't be able to make things some days do to work, which just means I need to catch up on my days off.

I've created a new slug! They are called Dragonsluggers:
I will be making up a commission sheet for these guys soon! They will be a little cheaper then my other slugs due to their simple design. Also, check out my latest commission!
He was a 47$ commission. First time dealing with a very slippery fabric. Overall he turned out looked great!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

55 days till Fanime, 68 days till Am2con

It's really difficult going to work at best buy, while knowing that if I just had the time, I could easily make SPPlushies my full time job. At the moment, all that is stopping me is not having the money to quit and focus. Yeah, the hours are steady because of some employees that got fired, but it ain't going to stay that way. The moment they hire some new people they will put Russel back in gaming and there goes half my hours. I'm only making 400$ every two weeks. I'd rather be making that much making plushies and being happy than having a steady-ish job.

I'm very depressed right now.