Saturday, March 31, 2012

55 days till Fanime, 68 days till Am2con

It's really difficult going to work at best buy, while knowing that if I just had the time, I could easily make SPPlushies my full time job. At the moment, all that is stopping me is not having the money to quit and focus. Yeah, the hours are steady because of some employees that got fired, but it ain't going to stay that way. The moment they hire some new people they will put Russel back in gaming and there goes half my hours. I'm only making 400$ every two weeks. I'd rather be making that much making plushies and being happy than having a steady-ish job.

I'm very depressed right now.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Post Anime Conji 2012 (66 Days till Fanime!)

Well, I'm back. I had the tiiiiime of my life! Loved every second of it and I met some wonderful people.

Overall, it turned out super well. This was my booth! All the stuff on the left is my commission information, newsletter signups and my business cards. 4 people signed up for my newsletter and I sold 2 commissions, and 15 plushies! Overall, I broke even, being safe I made 10 dollars or so lol. I talked to mooost of the artists around me and I heard that breaking even at your first convention is super rare! So that was great to hear. Man... I can't wait to quit my day job, I want to do this fulltime!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 days till Anime Conji! 72 days till Fanime!

So... 2 days left!!! I can't believe that on Thurs I will be driving down to my first Artist Alley convention! I have updated my inventory with a platypus, and I plan to complete some pikachu dragonslugs, maybe some other pokemon. SO EXCITED.

Friday, March 9, 2012

5 days till Anime Conji! 76 days till Fanime!!!

It will be 5/76 days tomorrow... soooo excited. We had a GDC party here last night, still recovering! No new plushies yet. Tomorrow I will be doing plushies allllllll day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8 days till Anime Conji! 79 days till Fanime!!!

So... I didn't do anything today. I got up for work, got home tired. Decided to relax for the night and play some tf2. Had a blast! In other news, there's a possibility that one of my coworkers is going to transfer to another dept, meaning I will get twice as many hours. This is both a curse and a blessing, as I'll get a better paycheck, but I will be even more tired and won't be able to have the energy for making as many plushies as I need to. And two coworkers were caught stealing... so stupid. So yeah, I might not be able to quit my day job as soon as I had hoped... goal for now is to put in my two weeks on june 15th, in time to be day job free by Anime Expo.

We'll see. I still need to make about 15-20 plushies before conji.

Monday, March 5, 2012

10 days till Anime Conji!/81 days till Fanime!!!

Pretty proud of myself tonight. I had work this morning and I was tired, came home, had lunch, watched the laker game and relaxed. I went downstairs around 5:45 feeling good! Cut and sewed three angel sluggies :) my inventory for anime conji is growing steadily, I'm not rushing persay because it will be a good experience to dip my toe in the market. My business plan does include making the money I need to pay for the whole trip and then some, but I don't expect to make much more then 500$. I will be accepting commission slots for 5 dollars (with 5$ off shipping) so we'll see how well that does.

Should be a good time though, I'm quite excited.

In other news, got a twitter account! follow me at!/SPPlushies

Thursday, March 1, 2012

85 days till Fanime! 15 days till Anime Conji!

Soooooo I go into an artist alley that's on march 16-18! way excited, didn't think I was going to get in, as I was on the waiting list... so I'm busting my butt preparing. Going to be fun!

In other news, I made minirays! I made them about half the size of the stingrays, so I will sell them for 12$ and sell their parents for 25$. Also looking into making buttons so I have little items around too... might not make it in time for conji though. I'm kinda in a rush!